Lucy Lane Chases ‘Back To Me’

Lucy Lane grungy love songs to your ex are back!

‘I’ve been waiting to see how this goes, I’ve been wearing your old clothes’ run the opening lines of Lucy Lane’s ‘Back To Me’. It’s the slightly deranged statement of the ex who hasn’t given up hope yet, and perhaps uncomfortably relatable to a lot of us. But don’t worry, it’s boppy enough to offset that. 

With its grunge, growling guitars, there’s more than a hint of 90s here, bringing to mind bands like Nirvana and the riot grrl movement. But there’s also some 80s in the sharp, echoing drums, with Lane citing INXS and Fleetwood Mac amongst influences. Add in some twinkly synth strings and a rhythmic acoustic guitar, along with some wide-open-space reverb and you’ve got a track that’s easy on the ears, and ready for some long road trip and a couple of bad decisions. 

Read the full interview by Right Chord Music here


‘Cry Me An Ocean’ is an intoxicating, bittersweet second single from the emerging Lucy Lane


Interview with Produced by a Girl