Interview with Produced by a Girl

Currently Listening to Cry me and Ocean By Lucy Lane + Interview

Hi! How did you get inspired to write Cry Me an Ocean?

Hello! Well, I was moving from London to Brighton during the pandemic and all I could think about was the sea. I wasn’t in the best place; I felt like I was fleeing to water to put out the fire in my mind. At the same time, I was reflecting on a past relationship (the pandemic had that effect on many of us.) His tears and my anger became, “cry me an ocean, I’ll sing you a storm.” The rest flowed from there.

How did your music journey begin, super curious since your first two singles are phenomenal! 

Thank you, that’s so kind! It began in my bedroom during lockdown. I took the gravity of the pandemic very much to heart - life is too short not to try everything you want to try. But I was a total underdog: I don’t play instruments and hadn’t been on stage since I was 18. I had to push myself to get out there at 32 with my bedroom productions (initially made with samples) and hope for the best. But it paid off. I was introduced to studios and musicians who helped me get my first songs ready to release. It’s been the most incredible ride since. The first jump’s the hardest. Then you just have to keep going. 

What artists inspire you? I noticed your song sounded like Madonna and I was totally curious how that style evolved for you as a singer.

Madonna is a huge influence on me - I take that as a big compliment! I can hear Love Profusion in Cry Me An Ocean, for sure. Ray of Light is also one of my favourite albums; it has both soft and cinematic moments, which is exactly the balance I’d like to achieve for a larger body of work. I’d say my sound blends my love of pop, rock and electronic. Britney, Blondie, Bjork! They’re all in there. Also a great dinner party guestlist. 

What does the symbolism with the water in this single mean to you? 

On the surface, I’m talking about a relationship via the metaphor of the sea. I was tired of drama. They could cry me an ocean, I was done. But it’s also about rebirth. I felt as though I was taking a melodic bath and washing away my old self. It makes total sense to me that my first song would reference water. The sea was my safety while I was going through deep change. It made the act of songwriting - something I’d never done before - safer, too.

What is your favorite part of songwriting, singing, and recording? 

The escape. I’ve written songs in a daze, coming out of it to find lyrics on a page. It’s obsessive. Nothing else exists. Same with performing. Before/after can be hellish, but the time on stage is pure. There’s no space for anxiety or cruel self-criticism. You sing your song and nothing else matters while you do. Another musician described recording in the studio as being in the womb - I can’t top that!

Read the full interview here


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